The Best Wilderness First Aid Classes across Colorado

Top Denver Wilderness First Aid (WFA) & Wilderness First Responder (WFR) Classes

Find out why we are Colorado's #1 emergency training company providing skills for the elements with Wilderness First Aid classes. We offer CPR certificates through the American Red Cross, American Heart Association, ASHI, and NASAR

Best WFA and WFR Class Near You In Denver

Get the most up-to-date information on WFA and WFR classes near you.
Sign up now at our New Denver location at Front Range CPR 2175 S. Jasmine St. #E, Denver, CO 80222! Get your employees certified today. Our expert instructors will bring this invaluable experience right to any location to provide these trainings for you!

Wilderness First Aid Classes in Denver

Register yourself for Wilderness First Aid Classes in Colorado. This course is designed for Scouts, Scout leaders and outdoor enthusiasts, or anyone who spends time in remote environments. We offer the best courses in backpacking and wilderness medicine. Our programs are focused on prevention, assessment and treatment of common injuries that might happen while outdoors and while in remote areas and teach you about what you can do if something goes wrong!

Wilderness Backcountry Emergency Training taught by Professionals for people who love Hiking, Mountain Biking, Climbing, Camping In Denver

We offer Wilderness First Aid Certification, Wilderness First Responder Certification and recertification classes as well. In these classes you learn how to handle any emergency medical situations that could occur while out experiencing various outdoor sports, including mountain climbing and backcountry trekking and to be able to help others. We have professional instructors who are experts on all things medical emergency in the wilderness-come experience it for yourself!

Wilderness First Aid Training Class

Get in touch with Front Range CPR for Wilderness First Aid Training

The Front Range CPR is a well-known provider of first aid training. With their expert knowledge and experience, they can help you develop skills that will save lives in remote areas like the wilderness!

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Our office hours are 9-5 Monday through Friday. We will follow up to your inquiry as soon as possible!

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Front Range CPR

Emergency Training Company
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Wilderness First Aid Emergencies In Denver

We offer Advanced Wilderness First Aid Certification and Recertification as part of our commitment to provide the highest quality training for anyone who wants to be trained on how to handle outdoor emergencies as we recognize that emergencies can happen anywhere and at any time. Get certified now at one of our Denver locations.

Types of outdoor emergencies & why WFA can help anyone be prepared

A Wilderness Medical Emergency can be a very scary situation for those involved when you are in outdoor and very remote areas. There are many things that must happen quickly and correctly in order to provide the best care possible, but luckily if you get Wilderness First Aid certified you will be prepared to jump into action and help someone in need until complete medical assistance can be available for the injured person or even yourself!

Wilderness First Aid vs Wilderness First Responder

WFR is much more in-depth and must already have CPR certification. You come out of that course really feeling confident in being able to help people in the backcountry in multiple life-threatening situations as a responder. In WFA, the scope is more of a basic first aid in a backcountry situation. It serves as a good introduction to WFR, but you won't learn any skills in WFA that will allow you to be completely self-sufficient in an outdoor or even indoor survival situation.

Wilderness First Aid Instructor showing technique om Wilderness First Aid

Certification & Skills for Outdoor Wilderness First Aid & First Responder in Denver

Certification and Skills for Outdoor Wilderness First Aid to Stay Safe, Responsibly Navigate the Wild. The best way to stay safe in out in nature is by knowing how your body reacts when it's faced with an emergency situation. The person who will benefit most from this course--to have all of my certification skills so that should anything happen while out on these wilder parts of the backcountry or far away from the city. You might be able save lives!

What is covered in Wilderness First Aid

The FRCPR Wilderness First Aid course covers all aspects of outdoor emergencies. It includes much more than just how to handle an injury or illness in the wilderness; this course teaches advanced skills to be used in emergencies when help from professional first responders may be far away and it also teaches you about environmental concerns such as hypothermia, heatstroke and hunger that can occur when camping for long periods at high elevations with little water available.

Prepared for Medical Emergencies in Remote Outdoor Areas

Medical emergencies are often life-threatening situations. Being WFA Certified will ensure that you are trained and confident in taking care of your loved one's during an emergency situation that may occur while out int he wilderness and far away from medical help. With these skills you can provide immediate help to sick or injured people until you can get them to a medical provider.

WFA for Denver Backcountry, Mountain Bikers, Hunters and Anglers, Climbers

In Denver, many of us our spending lots of time doing activities that can cause injuries, with Wilderness First Aid training, if there is an injury in a remote area while you are enjoying such as hiking, climbing, camping, sailing, hunting, birding or snowmobiling. A definition of “wilderness” is a location that is 1 or more hours away from definitive medical care. Included would be remote communities, backcountry and remote water areas.

WFA for Denver Backcountry Expeditions and Wilderness First Aid (WFA)

Backcountry expeditions and Wilderness First Aid go hand-in-hand in the Denver Metro area. A first aid kit is a vital piece of equipment for back country travelers, but what about those who venture into more remote areas? Front Range CPR offers WFA courses on how to prepare properly before going off trail or near rivers so that you can have peace-of mind knowing your safety and medical needs will be met should anything happen while hiking through rough terrain.

In addition they provide all course participants with an invaluable WFA Kit containing medical supplies such as iodine tablets which helps prevent hypothermia from occurring if stranded in cold conditions.

Wilderness First Aid (WFA) for hunters and anglers

In the event that you or someone that you are with are injured by an fall or have a medical emergency, there is no better way to preserve your life than with Wilderness First Aid training. This course will teach students how they can care for themselves or others in case of emergency during hunting trips as well as fishing excursions. If you are certified in WFA know what steps need taken if something goes wrong out doors!

Mountain Biking and Wilderness First Aid (WFA)

For the adventurous mountain biker, consider Wilderness First Aid training. This certification is important because it will teach you how to handle injuries in remote places with no medical professionals around and limited supplies such as bandages or ointments of any type.

Most people don't think about what they'll do if stranded miles from help due some unforeseen circumstance like broken equipment on their bike that causes a fall but now may be an ideal time for them get both WFA certified and prepared!

Get in touch when you are looking for WFA or WFR Certification Near me!

Questions about Wilderness First Aid and First Responder Classes (WFA & WFR)

Why is Wilderness First Aid important?

Wilderness First Aid (WFA) is a specialized medical training that equips individuals with the knowledge to assess, treat, and prevent injuries or illnesses while exploring the backcountry. These essential skills are specifically designed to prepare you for emergencies in environments where access to definitive medical resources is limited. With WFA training, you can confidently respond to critical situations and ensure the safety of yourself and others during outdoor adventures.

Is CPR included in WFR?

This course is a 16 hour comprehensive program that teaches backcountry emergency training. Students will gain knowledge and confidence in all aspects, such as injuries caused by a wilderness injury; environmental emergencies like hypothermia and avalanches; survival skills to help you if medical assistance isn't available within reachable time period (or at all). The ultimate goal: complete mastery over these hazards so they can be avoided more easily than not! This extensive training event includes CPR+AED certification combined with other courses on topics including musculoskeletal issues, severe cold weather gear use instructional videos.

What is the difference between First Aid and Wilderness First Aid?

Wilderness Medicine is significantly different from standard first aid courses and other urban-focused CPR training. This comprehensive course goes deeper into managing medical emergencies in remote settings, where access to hospitals and rescue services might be unavailable for prolonged periods. Equipping you with invaluable skills, it prepares you to respond effectively and confidently in challenging wilderness scenarios.

What is one of the first skills you ll learn in a wilderness first aid class how to stabilize?

In a WFA class, you will acquire crucial skills, and among the initial ones is learning how to promptly stabilize the spine. Whenever someone experiences a significant fall or receives a forceful blow to the head or back, immediate stabilization of their spine becomes imperative for their safety and well-being.